Superintendent Bhupinder Rai has taken over as local police area commander of Reading. She took over charge from Superintendent Stan Gilmour who has moved to Head of Protecting Vulnerable People. Supt Rai moves to her new role following her time as head of force CID. She joined Thames Valley police in March 1992 as a police officer in Slough. Throughout her career she has worked in a number of specialist roles, including as a schools officer, a detective sergeant tasked to set up the prisoner handling unit, a neighbourhood policing inspector and as a detective chief inspector dealing with complex investigations.
Throughout her time at Thames Valley, equality and diversity has remained a keen interest with Supt Rai being the chair and deputy chair of TVP’s support association for ethnic minority staff (SAME) for over 10 years, stepping down in 2014/15. Supt Rai continues her work and is currently the BAME lead for the Police Superintendents’ Association of England & Wales.
On her new appointment, Supt Rai said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as the Commander of Reading. “Reading LPA already has a very well established relationship with partners and the local community, I plan to build on these existing relationships and work with the local community to reduce crime and disorder to ensure Reading remains a safe place to live and work.”