Support network opens to help the elderly and vulnerable

Thursday 09th July 2015 07:26 EDT

A new support network to help vulnerable adults in Harrow was launched by Age UK Harrow and opened by the Mayor, Cllr Krishna Suresh, and Cllr Anne Whitehead on Wednesday 8 July.  The scheme puts vulnerable people in Harrow in touch with residents who want to give their time and skills to help people in the area.  

The new network, Harrow Communities Click, promises to help over 2,000 vulnerable people in Harrow to access services they might not be able to afford otherwise. It is based around an old school bartering system allowing people to offer their time in exchange for help elsewhere. 

Harrow Community Click is being run by Age UK Harrow in partnership with other local  charities and Timebanking UK and has been made possible with £450,000 of funding from Harrow Council. 

The network is based around hour blocks and by giving an hour you can trade your hour back for other services on the network.  There are a range of services available from gardening to cooking, or learning a language.

The scheme is intended to help people stay independent by supporting them with practical tasks around their home.  It is also intended to reduce isolation that some people might experience by connecting them with people with shared interests in their local area

Cllr for adults and older people, Anne Whitehead said: “This is a great scheme and I am delighted that Harrow Council has been able play a part in making this happen. People often ask me how they can help more in the borough and this network is a great way of bringing people together.  

“The difference that spending an hour with someone can make to their health and well being is remarkable; from helping in the garden to cooking a dinner.  There are already hundreds of people who are reaping the benefits of this scheme and I hope it will go from strength to strength in the coming years.”

Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Krishna Suresh, said: “This network is a great way of putting people in touch who want to help others with those who need help.  By matching people of all ages and cultures it encourages the sharing of skills and experience.  One of my aims as Mayor is to encourage more giving across the borough and this scheme is a perfect example of it in action.

“This is perfect example of the community working together to help each other.”

Age UK Harrow, Chief Executive Avani Modasia, said:  "This network has been up and running since June 2014.  It has to date over 220 members, many of whom have exchanged hours and benefitted greatly. This is an innovative and forward thinking iniative which has for the first time brought a range of key local partners to work together."

At the launch event people had the opportunity to try out some of the things on offer such as Laughter Yoga, meditation and jewellery making. 

The network is run via a partnership of Age UK Harrow (lead partner), Mind in Harrow, Harrow Mencap, Harrow Carers, Third Sector Potential CiC and Timebanking UK.

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