Sikhs introduce mobile langars to help the UK's homeless

Tuesday 24th February 2015 07:02 EST

The Sikhs are known for many qualities- the most common being valour and patriotism. While their kindness and charities are perhaps little-known to Britons, they come forward to help UK's homeless through their centuries old Sikh traditions of langars- a kitchen where vegetarian food is prepared by volunteers, and freely served to the community on a daily basis.

This concept originated in India, at a time of deep caste and religious divisions between Hindus and Muslims, when Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism called for equality for all and set forward this concept of Langar.

Thousands of free Langar meals are served every day in Sikh temples all over the UK. The Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Southall, thought to be the biggest Sikh temple outside of India, says it alone serves 5,000 meals on weekdays and 10,000 meals on weekends.

However Sikhs have now taken langars to a different level. Every Sunday evening 250 people receive a hand-out of hot soup, drinks, chocolate bars and other supplies from the Sikh Welfare and Awareness Team van parked up on the Strand in central London.

The Swat team, as they're known, park at the same spot every week so a group of volunteers from the Sikh community can hand out vital supplies.

They told the BBC that they decided to take the concept of Langar outside its traditional setting in temples and out onto the streets when they saw a growing homelessness problem in London. Randeep Singh who founded Swat said: "When you go to the temple, what's the message? The message is to help others, help your neighbours. That's what we are doing."

Homeless people, who mostly are not Sikh, patiently wait in line to be served. For the volunteers handing out food there, this is more than just good charitable work. For them this is a religious duty enshrined by the founder of the Sikh religion over 500 years ago. In a recent BBC blog by Rajeev Gupta, John Davidson, 55, homeless said, “We come here because we get food... A hot meal. It's a luxury for me.”

In recent times it is believed that the Langar meal has acted as a barometer for the state of the economy. After the 2008 recession many Sikh temples reported an increase in the numbers of non-Sikhs coming in for the free meals. This has also included many South Asian students, especially those who got stranded in Britain, after discovering they were enrolled in bogus colleges, that were struck off.

Of course the Sikhs do not mind it. Surinder Singh Purewal, a senior member of the Southall temple management team said: "We don't mind it. As long as people show respect, are not intoxicated and cover their heads in line with our traditions, then everyone is welcome."

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