Siddhartha Dhar- the new alleged 'Jihadi John

Reshma Trilochun Monday 04th January 2016 12:20 EST

A new chilling video has emerged of five alleged British spies in Syria being killed by Daesh members, also known as Isis and new allegations have emerged that one of the masked gunmen in the video is British-born, Siddhartha Dhar (32), a Hindu who converted to Islam, also known as Abu Rumasayah. He has been termed as being the new alleged “Jihadi John”.

The recent decision of the airstrikes in Syria as a quest to destroy Islamic State is said to have led to this murderous video.

One of the masked gunmen, alleged to be Dhar, spoke in a British accent and taunted David Cameron. He said, “Your children will pay for your deeds. How strange it is that we find ourselves today hearing an insignificant leader like you. How strange it is that a leader of a small island, threatens us with a handful of planes. One would have thought, you would have learned the lessons of your pathetic master in Washington, and his failed campaign against the IS. But it seems that you, just like your predecessors, Blair and Brown, are just as arrogant and foolish. In fact, David, you are more of an imbecile.”

The gunman continued, “Only an imbecile would dare to wage war against a land where the law of Allah reigns supreme. And where the people live under the justice and security of Shariah. Only an imbecile would dare to anger people who love death the way that you love your life.”

Siddhartha Dhar, from Walthamstow, east London, used to run a firm hiring out bouncy castles and had fled to Syria while being on bail, along with his wife and four children. He had escaped from under the noses of the security services even though he was on bail for alleged terrorism offences.

Dhar had been arrested in September 2014, along with the British Muslim preacher and activist, Anjem Choudary on suspicion of being a part of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun. Choudary is soon expected to appear in court.

Like many of the spectators who had watched the ghastly video, Dhar's mother and sister were shocked and found the masked gunman's voice to be familiar and similar to Dhar.

His mother, Sobita Dhar said, “I heard the voice, yes, but I don't know, I'm not sure of the voice. These are the most difficult questions to answer. I just cannot say. I'm not sure with myself whether it is the truth or not.”

His sister, Konika Dhar added, “I can't believe it. This is just so shocking for me. I don't know what the authorities are doing to confirm the identity, but I need to know if it is.

His sister went on to share her memories of him from their childhood and adolescent years. “He was a very pleasant boy, and I know it may be hard to believe but he still is, and I still believe that he still can be that person.” She also mentioned that he had converted to Islam more than a decade ago.

Dhar was brought up as a Hindu before he married his Muslim wife, Aisha. It is alleged that the former neighbours of Dhar in Walthamstow, claimed that his wife may have allegedly led him to becoming an extremist.

Another Hindu who had converted to Islam and took the path of extremism is Vadodara-born Dhiren Barot (44), who attended Kingsbury High School, north London. He had planned to detonate a bomb and launch an attack on London's Tube, for which he was jailed for life.

If the sight of five helpless victims dressed in orange jumpsuits and handcuffed, while five extremists stand behind them dressed in militaristic style attire, depicting themselves as soldiers wasn't nauseating enough; you will also see a child in the video standing in the desert saying, “We will go and kill the kuffar [infidels].” It has been identified that the boy, no older than 4, is the son of Grace “Khadijah” Dare (24), who allegedly fled to Syria from London, in 2012.

The grandfather of the child who has also been labelled as “Jihadi Junior”, Henry Dare, has expressed his disgust over the use of the boy as a propaganda tool in the murderous video. He said, “He doesn't know anything, he is just a small boy. They are just using him as a shield. It's propaganda. They are in the video because they are being told what to do, under the influence of guns. He is my grandson, I can't disown him. He doesn't like it over there.”

This may just be the start of a shuddering beginning for Britain. It is more so worrying for the Asian community who regardless of class, religion or background stood together in unity during difficult and testing times. With examples of extremists such as Siddhartha Dhar, it is very perturbing to think how our future generation, our children will be able to stay safe and away from radicalisation. 

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