A young filmmaker has travelled to India to make a documentary about the lives of women construction workers. Meera Darji, from Leicester, is working on...
The Indian diaspora and business communities in the UK are familiar with Rajesh Agrawal, the former Deputy Mayor of Business in London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s team. He transformed London into a leading investment hub for India, despite the Brexit...
Conservative MP Dean Russell told attendees at a fundraising dinner in Birmingham, “When Labour see a problem, they exploit it. When we see a problem, we fix it”. The event was organised by Edgbaston Conservatives in partnership with Conservative...
A young filmmaker has travelled to India to make a documentary about the lives of women construction workers. Meera Darji, from Leicester, is working on...
An Indian-origin dentist in the UK was on Thursday banned from the dental profession for having an 18-month-long affair with one of his married female...
A businessman and a student have denied murdering a company director who was shot dead at a warehouse.
An Oldham Labour councillor is to appear at crown court after one of his employees fell 20ft from a scaffolding tower, fracturing his hip and both heels.
A teacher who was evicted from her cottage by bailiffs after a row over roof stones has vowed to reclaim her home.
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg has gone to the High Court in a battle for government compensation after his terrorism trial dramatically collapsed.
Two carers have narrowly avoided an immediate prison sentence after being caught on camera neglecting a 79-year-old seriously ill disabled man.
An unborn baby was just 2 millimetres from death when her father carried out a frenzied street stabbing attack on his partner, a court was told.
A drugs gang found with more than £300,000 worth of heroin and cocaine has been jailed for more than 20 years.