Thieves steal secret security documents from head of counter-terrorism chief's car

Monday 05th June 2017 12:57 EDT

In an embarrassing spot for the Midlands Police, a pressing investigation have been set up after classified documents were stolen from the Assistant Chief Constable Marcus Beale's car on May 15. This, news exposes the security lapse by police as it comes right after the London Bridge terror attacks.

Marcus' portfolio is an important one, with considerable responsibilities as the head of counter terrorism operations of the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit (WMCTU), health and safety, equality, diversity, and human rights.

A spokesperson of the police have reiterated that the locked metal box that contained documents relating to police matters, kept locked locked in the car boot was stolen, along with some other personal belongings.

A West Midlands Police spokesman said: "An investigation has been launched after items were stolen from a West Midlands Police officer’s unmarked car.

"A number of personal items were taken during the theft along with a locked metal box that contained documents relating to police matters. The box was locked in the boot. The officer remains at work.

According to the West Midlands Police website: "These operations have disrupted some of the most significant UK mainland terrorist plots in recent years, including the 'London Stock Exchange' plot in 2010, the foiled suicide attack plan in 2011, and the failed attack on the Dewsbury EDL in 2012."

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