The distraught parents of a teenager who took his own life have said the law needs to change to make cyber bullying a specific offence.
Rajinder and Mina Rayat's 15-year-old son Brandon Singh Rayat was found hanged at his home in Humberstone on August 9, following 18 months of abuse from bullies, his parents said.
The torment included Brandon being sent abusive messages online, and fake Facebook pages being set up to taunt him.
While there is a number of existing laws that can be applied to cases of cyber bullying and online harassment, such as the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and Malicious Communications Act 1988, there is currently no legal definition of cyber bullying within UK law.
Mina said she believed that if there was a specific cyber bullying law, the police would be able to step in far earlier to help victims, deal with the culprits and prevent it continuing.
She intends to campaign for a change in the law to get "justice" for Brandon.
Speaking to the Leicester Mercury Mina said: "I will fight and fight for this, because Brandon needed and deserves some justice. He suffered terribly at the hands of his bullies and I wouldn't want any other parent to go through something like this. There needs to be a law so that the police can take these matters up and act accordingly."
Speaking of the bullies' actions, she said: "They set up a fake Facebook account in the name of Jimmy Savile and sent him horrendous messages. They also made threats of rape against him and myself."
The family have asked Leicester East MP Keith Vaz to raise the issue in Parliament and force a debate. They have also set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help them pay for legal representation at Brandon's inquest, which takes place next year.