Leaders condemn benefit cap plans

Wednesday 09th November 2016 19:16 EST

Community leaders fear the government's new benefit cap will leave Oldhamers facing financial hardship. The Children's Society has figures showing that 400 households in Oldham will lose out, affecting 1,110 children.

But Oldham Council says 700 residents could be hit: 520 households, 47 of which already have a cap on their benefits, and around 125 Universal Credit claimants. Eighteen of the households could lose up to £330 per week. The new cap will be implemented in stages with the 47 existing capped households affected from November 14 and newly capped households affected from December 12.

The Department for Work and Pensions has written to affected residents directly to inform them of the changes and residents will also be reminded at their next Job Centre Plus appointment.

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