Grieving mum of schoolboy Amar Atwal releases footage of crash that killed him

Tuesday 14th March 2017 09:48 EDT

The heartbroken mum of a schoolboy killed by a speeding taxi driver bravely agreed to release harrowing CCTV footage of the crash that claimed his life - to encourage others to wear seatbelts.

Sukhi Atwal was joining West Midlands Police officers on Monday morning at the start of a week-long awareness campaign, highlighting the consequences of not wearing a belt. Her son Amar, 12, was not wearing a seatbelt when a Mitsubishi Outlander he was travelling in was hit by a taxi in West Bromwich.

The Queen Mary’s Grammar School pupil was a back seat passenger and was thrown from the vehicle in May 2015. He died two days later at Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Speeding taxi driver Nadeem Hussain, 35, had ignored Give Way instructions when he drove across the junction without stopping or braking. He was jailed for six years in December after a jury found him guilty of causing death by dangerous driving and two counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

The jury was shown the CCTV footage of the moment Hussain’s Vauxhall Astra came across the junction before hitting the Mitsubishi.

Hussain smashed into the side of a Mitsubishi Outlander carrying Amar and his relatives, which flipped onto its roof and smashed into a tree.

The taxi driver was also banned from driving for seven years and ordered to complete an extended driving test.

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