Sophie Butler (20), was arrested after she allegedly stabbed her partner, Norasab Hussain (33), minutes after he left a message on her mother's phone, saying that Butler should open a brother.
A court heard that Butler was suffering from “battered women's syndrome” when she stabbed her boyfriend on 30th May, 2015, at around 4am.
The court heard that Hussain had called for an ambulance for himself. However, once the paramedics arrived, they were advised not to go inside until the police arrived. It is said that they got access into the property at around 2pm on 31st May. They found Hussain's body with a 4ins stab wound after Butler shouted out of a window, “Help, help, he is dead, I have killed him.”
Two psychiatrists ruled that Butler was suffering from “battered women's syndrome” after she repeatedly endured domestic abuse by her boyfriend, Norasab Hussain.
The court was also told that she had informed her family, friends, employer and medical staff that she was “subject to ongoing domestic violence at the hands of Mr Hussain”.
During her trial at Leicester Crown Court, Butler denied murder, however, she admitted to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
It was also revealed in court that Hussain had allegedly been abusive towards his former partners.
Hussain's grieving family expressed, “Sophie Butler hasn't given us the details of what happened that night and we want to know what happened to him. Everyone has problems in relationships but no one deservers to be killed.”
Detective Chief Inspector, Dave Giles said, “The guilty plea to manslaughter is a positive outcome which fully takes account of Sophie Butler's actions in that she unlawfully killed Norasab Hussain.”