On 3rd November Tuesday, it emerged that the Leicestershire Police was reportedly pushing for greater diversity in their police forces with the goal that one in every four of its staff members is from an ethnic minority background. Their announcement appears at the end of Black History Month and with an aim for comprehensive representation of the local population.
According to Leicester Mercury, presently just under one in every 10 of the force's staff members is from an ethnic minority background. Nearly 9 in 10, of Leicestershire Police staff - including officers, staff and PCSOS - are white. Whereas Asian or Asian British members comprise nearly seven in every 100 members, of the force; nearly two in every hundred, define themselves as being in the “mixed” category. Now, one-in-four, or 25 per cent, “diversity target” has been fixed considering a quarter of Leicester’s population is from the Black, Asian or other ethnic minority (BAME) background.
In a statement to Leicester Mercury, Lord Bach said, "This is our public and I believe that the composition of the force should reflect the public it serves." Lord Bach on Friday discussed with the Black Police Association how it and his office can support each other to achieve his goal.