The inaugural ‘Women in Conversation’ event was launched with great success on 22 October 2019 at EY's offices in 1 More London Place, London. Zishan Nurmohamed, Senior Partner at EY welcomed the delegates and made a brief presentation of EY's role in partnering with startups and small businesses. Organized by Asian Voice, the event was attended largely by women and a few men from diverse sectors including the arts, fashion, the corporate world, entrepreneurs and women aspiring to start their own business.
The discussion panel consisted of Alex Frean, Niki Mullin and Maha Sardar. Alex Frean is the Head of Corporate Affairs at Starling Bank. She has over thirty year's experience in national and international journalism including The Times and The Sunday Times. A respected figure in business book publishing, Niki Mullin is Head of Business Development at LID Business Media - the fifth largest book publisher in Europe. Maha Sardar is a successful barrister, who has worked on high-profile cases that have made the headlines. Sadar is an advocate for human rights, social change maker and an entrepreneur.
The topics for discussion were challenges women in business face, solutions, financing, trusted tips that work and how to get a book published.
The best role models are not celebrities, but the women from all backgrounds you meet every day. This was a chance to share some of their stories.
Panelist, Alex Frean, Starling Bank
It was inspiring to hear the personal career stories at the Women In Conversation event.
Prashant Shah, Executive Chairman, 02h Ventures
A very well organised event with an opportunity to meet and hear from phenomenal women who are the champions of diversity.
Shylaja Swaminathan, Client Advisor
UBS Wealth Management
It was a privilege to be part of the panel for the launch event of Women in Conversation'. The event itself was fantastic, with superb networking, conversations and women! Equally, it was good to see men in the audience, who were participating. I left feeling totally inspired with the experience and the conversations we created as a panel with the audience. I can’t wait for the next one!.
Panelist, Niki Mullin, LID Publishing
Fantastic initiative to raise awareness of the issues faced by women within work places and the need for business to shine a light on these concerns and take action.
Was stimulating and thought provoking. Thanks Asian Voice and EY.
Rajal Patni, Co-Founder & Chief Financial Officer
Lavanya Plus Ltd
I was delighted to have been invited to the Women in Conversation event organised by EY and Asian Voice.
Many interesting points were highlighted by the panelists. I have a 16 year old daughter and I feel that these inspirational role models can impact her generation. More importantly, make their voices heard and bring about positive change.
Paresh Davdra, Founder and Non Executive Director, RationalFX & Xendpay