The Pankhania family organised a Bhagavat Katha by Pujya Bhaishri Rajmeshbhai Oza in Wembley Arena. On the first day of katha, Sunday 12th August, the daughters-in-law of the Pankhania family entered the auditorium, carrying the Bhagavat Granth (book) on their head. The Katha has been organised in remembrance of the departed souls of Vraj Pankhania's parents- Puroshottambhai and Jashodaben Pankhania.
Vraj's son Kamal urged the audience to make donations for the Shri Krishna Haveli in Watford Iskcon temple, which needs 7.5 million pounds for completion, out of which 5 million pounds have already been raised. They still need 2.5 million pounds to finsh the project successfully.
The event was also attended by famous Indian jourmalist Tushar Joshi, who was praised by Bhaishri. Speaking to the audience Bhaishri said, “If you don't value youraself, you cant value anything in life. He went on to say, nowadays people get tired easily and that affects others enthusiasm.” He tried to inluence people positively by his speech. He added that while the diaspora in the UK are very cultured, they are often superstitious and have blind faiths. He urged people to let go of believing in spiritual healers and their likes and thanked Cb Patel and Gujarat Samachar for boycotting such adverts. The organisers also invited Bhaishri to attend the Hare Krishna Mandir in Watford.
Lord Jitesh Gadhia attending the event on Monday, in his speech said, “It’s an honour to be asked by our hosts – the Pankhania Family – to say a few words as we begin the second day of this Bhagavat Katha in London.
I have had the privilege of knowing Pujya Bhaishri for more than 25 years and we warmly welcome him back to London. Pujya Bhaishri’s Katha on such a grand scale – in our great capital city – is long overdue. And we especially welcome him to this iconic venue at Wembley Arena – where he mentioned yesterday – he had done a brief recce last year attending Pujya Morari Bapu’s Ram Katha here, on his way to Paris. Normally in this auditorium, you see internationally acclaimed singers, musicians and other famous artists.
But today we have a Spiritual Rockstar in the form of Pujya Bhaishri. And I use those words advisedly.”
Lord Gadhia, who is one of the youngest peers of Asian origin went on to say, “For almost five decades, through his discourses, he has inspired millions of people around the world and helped transform their lives.
“And through his educational institution Sanidpani Vidyniketan – in Porbandar – he is keeping alive our ancient Vedic culture for the benefit of current and future generations.
“At a time when so much of the world is turning inward, insular and intolerant…Pujya Bhaishri is promoting the fundamental message and values of Hinduism, which are exactly the opposite
“We are torch bearers for the noble values of Vasudhaiva Kutumba-kum - the whole world is one family.
“These values are more important today than ever.”
Speaking about Hinduism as a religion he added, “Hinduism is the most peaceful, tolerant and inclusive Religion - so we should stand up and make that case vigorously.
“Indeed, this sentiment was echoed by none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech at the Red Fort – on Indian Independence Day – last year when he said that India is about Shanti, Ekta and Sadhbhavana.
“And speaking of Independence Day – it is a hugely welcome coincidence that in just two days’ time you will have the opportunity to celebrate 15 August with Pujya Bhaishri. And I hope you will turn the whole of Wembley Arena orange, white and green – but also red, white and blue – because we are proud of both our Indian and British identities.
“And the following day you will have the opportunity to celebrate Krishna Janam with him too – and I believe Bhaishri said yesterday that he wants to break all records on that occasion. You are in for a real treat this week.
“But, seriously, Friends - a Katha is the perfect time for reflection and contemplation. An opportunity to re-energise.
“Yesterday, Pujya Bhaishri highlighted the contrast between being raw and ripe.
“This week, I hope he will help ripen our spiritual path – and in that process – unlock the sweetness of the divinity which resides in each and every one of us.”
Ending on three brief but important points, Lord Gadhia told the audience, “Firstly, to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our hosts Vajubhai Pankhania and his entire family for the tremendous, time, effort and resources which they have devoted, in generously, sponsoring this entire Katha.
“It’s a huge endeavour – in planning for over two years. We all pray that the Pankhania Family continues to be blessed with Tan, Man and Dhan to carry on such great community service.
“Secondly, there are many volunteers here dressed in orange and white T shirts, also musicians, sound operators, videographers, lighting technicians, the crew backstage, the security team and everyone who has given up their valuable time to help make this an enjoyable and comfortable experience for us all
So, on behalf of everyone, I say a big thank you to them for their wonderful seva.
“And third and lastly, I would like to commend Vajubhai for using this unique globally televised platform to support a great charitable cause.
“You heard yesterday about the Shree Krishna Haveli at the Bhaktivedanta Manor – popularly known as the Hare Krishna Temple in Watford. This is an essential hub for the Hindu Community in Britain, helping to preserve our cultural values and protect our identity for the benefit of future generations.
“I had the honour of accompanying the former Prime Minister David Cameron at the ground-breaking ceremony of the Shree Krishna Haveli in 2016. So, please donate generously to this worthy cause and make it a lasting legacy of this historic Bhagavat Katha in London.
“In conclusion, Friends, I wish you a spiritually uplifting week full of inspiration, enlightenment and divine bliss as we continue the journey with Pujya Bhaishri’s Bhagavat Katha.
“Jai Shree Krishna – Jai Siya Ram.”
If you want to donate to the completion of the Krishna Haveli at the Hare Krishna Temple, Watford, please visit