This year marks an incredible 40 years since the humble seeds of Hindu Youth Association (HYA) were planted and formed in 1978. HYA is a registered charity run solely by volunteers. It all began when two young men started teaching Gujarati in their homes to their nieces and nephews. Now 40 years later, the seeds of this humble legacy has been nurtured and blossomed into a successful community organisation covering a range of activities from Gujarati, Hinduism, Maths and English classes to running Yoga classes and parent and toddler group.
The fundamental principles of HYA have always been to support the future of tomorrow, to build personality in physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual strength which are all central to ensuring our young people become good active citizens. The charity consists of over 30 regular volunteers made up of business owners, qualified teachers, parents, professionals from various specialist fields, ex-students and a vast number of supporters.
From humble beginnings to a Gold award accreditation
In 2007 the Department for Education ran a pilot to measure standards of supplementary schools across London. HYA was one of only 14 supplementary schools selected to take part. In their first assessment they achieved a silver award (the highest awarded in the pilot). The award was presented by Lord Adonis, the then Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Schools. With continued dedication and commitment of the volunteers, HYA achieved the Gold award in 2009. The only one to do so at the time in Greenwich. To get a Gold award was a truly outstanding achievement. It is clear to see what HYA has blossomed into is quite extraordinary. From something so humble and modest, to a vibrant community hub that we have today.
To celebrate the landmark of the 40 years, a number of events have been organised this year. From a Yoga session involving all the students and some parents that took place in June to celebrate international yoga day to upcoming events such as a community fun day on 22nd September and an special ceremony on 27th October to reward the students for their achievements over the past year and also to recognise the contribution by all the volunteers, past and present.
For information and full details of the charity please visit