Gang vandalises immigration-raid vehicles in East London

Monday 27th July 2015 06:06 EDT

During the week in which David Cameron had targeted anti-British Muslims, a gang of Muslim youths attacked vans being used for an immigration raid, in Shadwell, East London.

Three vans marked “Immigration Enforcement” and one unmarked silver car were badly vandalised by the gang of youths.

It is said that more than 12 officials had arrive in Shadwell to arrest three suspected illegal Bangladeshi immigrants from a shop. While returning to their vehicles, they found that the van tyres had been slashed, as well as the paintwork on the vehicles scratched. The officers also had eggs thrown on them before the police were informed.

A Scotland Yard spokesman revealed that there were no arrests made but “inquiries are ongoing.”

A Home Office spokesperson said, “We will not tolerate abuse or criminal damage. Offences will be reported to the police.”

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