Local MPs meet Bangladesh PM in UK

Tuesday 23rd June 2015 13:03 EDT

The Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina Wajed met with a large cross-party delegation of UK MPs including Virendra Sharma MP of Ealing Southall, at the event organised by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. She spoke about her continued role in trying to alleviate poverty, and even corrected an advisor when he got a statistic wrong.

Hasina said, “Though we have been trying to follow Westminster type of democracy, it is a difficult job. Anyway, we’re improving gradually to this end,”

Virendra Sharma MP said: “The Prime Minister has been a beacon of hope for millions in Bangladesh, and her recent meeting with Mr Modi has shown that there is real interest across the region to relieve the situation of the poorest in society. I believe the honourable lady is a great force for good, and will continue to make strides for the betterment of everyone. Digital Bangladesh has been very successful and should be a model elsewhere.”

The roll out of access to the internet for millions in Bangladesh has improved connectivity, and helped businesses thrive. The Prime Minister was introduced by her niece Tulip Siddique MP, newly elected Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn. The visit came at the end of the Prime Minister’s week long trip to the UK.   

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