Kids Company closes down amidst claim of “financial mismanagement”

Tuesday 11th August 2015 06:23 EDT

Kids Company, founded by Camila Batmanghelidjh, in 1996; a charity which was hailed as “visionary” by David Cameron, in 2006, for being a shining example of demonstrating a bigger and better society, has now been closed.

Camila Batmanghelidjh has come under a lot of scrutiny regarding the sudden closure of the charity, especially after the charity was given £3 million grant from the government in the previous week.

It is alleged that around £800,000 of the grant, which was approved by the Cabinet Office Ministers Oliver Letwin and Matthew Hancock, were allegedly used to pay the salaries of the staff members at the charity whose payments were overdue. The number of staff at the organisation had been increasing excessively in the recent years.

As well as claims of financial mismanagement, Batmanghelidjh also faces the allegation of spending lavishly, as well as claims that the charity allegedly had a culture of fear and favouritism; this included claims of Batmanghelidjh allegedly having up to five personal assistants at one point.

She has, however, outrightly denied that the Kids Company's closure was due to financial mismanagement.

Whether there is any truth to the above allegations or not, there have been many charities in the past which have been questioned about how the donations were being spent. There are so many bogus charity firms and scams which take place on a daily basis, taking away the donations from people who provide help out of goodwill, for the betterment of the underprivileged, but are left betrayed after knowing that their money has not been used for a good cause. Such experiences may have made people more skeptical and less likely to even trust genuine charities, out of the fear of being scammed. And this, ultimately, makes authentic charities suffer, as well as the underprivileged who benefits from the help of the donors. 

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