Initiating conversations about mental health

Wednesday 16th August 2023 07:09 EDT

In a pioneering effort to spotlight teenage mental health struggles a captivating play 'The Expulsion of Exulansis', by 17-year-old drama student Siyani Sheth is scheduled for performances on August 29, 30, and 31, 2023, at Studio Spaces E1, 110 Pennington Street, # Unit 2, London, EIW 2BB, between 7 PM to 10 PM

In an interview with Asian Voice, Siyani talks about her play.

Can you elaborate on your journey with mental health?

I started noticing things going downhill at 14, but pushed it down until it became too much to ignore. I wasn’t well and yet I was running myself into the ground trying to get the highest grades possible. 

After consulting unhelpful doctors who dismissed my struggles as puberty-related, I was eventually diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and an eating disorder. To cope, I resorted to self-harm. In December 2021, I attempted to end my life and visited the emergency room as advised, but it felt futile. My situation worsened, leading my psychiatrist to recommend a 2.5-month stay in a mental health clinic. 

Upon returning, I initially improved, but the downward spiral continued. Reaching rock bottom after an overdose in December 2022, I realized a change was crucial. I began working with a new therapist and gradually saw improvement. This progress motivated me to write this play.


What inspired you to share your difficult battle as a play ‘The Expulsion of Exulansis’? What is the story behind the name?

Throughout my journey, despite the support of loved ones, I felt immensely isolated, intensifying my illness. I want to prevent others from experiencing this kind of loneliness, so I chose to share my story, hoping to provide solace and connection. 

I discovered the word 'exulansis', which signifies giving up discussing an experience due to a lack of understanding. This perfectly captures what I want to convey. 'The Expulsion of Exulansis' stands for overcoming this tendency by sharing, being vulnerable, and speaking truthfully with others.

Through my play, I aim to initiate conversations about mental health within the South Asian community. 


What is it that you hope and aim to achieve with your play?

This play aims to spotlight the challenges faced by youth through a teenage lens. It's designed to connect with young people, lessening their sense of isolation in their struggles. It's equally directed at adults and parents, shedding light on unseen issues. The goal is to offer suffering teenagers a sense of support and optimism, and to educate those unaware of the flaws in the UK's mental health system and society's treatment of mentally ill teenagers.

Tickets available here:

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