East London woman jailed for possessing extremist material

Tuesday 17th March 2015 18:39 EDT

On 19 February 2015, she was found guilty of one count of possessing material of a kind likely to be useful for the commission or preparation of acts of terrorism.

During her trial the court heard how officers from SO15 Counter Terrorism Command carried out a search at her address in east London on 5 September 2013.

Electronic devices were seized during the search, including a USB stick which was later found to contain a copy of 1-10 'Inspire' magazine and 'The Lone Mujahedeen Handbook' breaching section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. This material contained practical guides around bomb-making and other violent attacks.

On 17 October 2013, Kayum was arrested under PACE on suspicion of offences contrary to section 58 Terrorism Act 2000 and a further search of her address was carried out.

She was released on police bailed to allow officers more time to carry out further work examining evidence found at her address.

Later in the year, Kayum returned from bail and was questioned by officers about the material seized from her home address.

On 23 December 2013, she was charged with one count of possession of material likely to be of use to a person committing or preparing an Act of Terrorism under Sec 58 of Terrorism Act 2000.

Commander Richard Walton Head of Counter Terrorism Command (SO15) said: "We are becoming increasingly concerned about women and young girls gaining access to and becoming influenced by illegal extremist material that promotes and glorifies terrorism. This is a serious offence and I welcome today's sentence."

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