Diplomat heads to Tunisia

Monday 14th December 2015 14:58 EST

Prashant Pise, the current Head of Chancery and Press and Information Minister at the Indian High Commission is promoted to head of mission in Tunisia and will be leaving London on 23 December, to go to Delhi. After a short holiday in Nagpur, Maharashta with family, he will then head to his new posting, and is looking forward to it.

Pise came to London in early 2013 with his wife Radhika and two children (a boy and a girl) from Mauritius, where he was the Deputy High commissioner. He has also been posted in Lybia, Egypt and Japan before that.

At his farewell by Indian Journalists' Association, Prashant, who is a veteran of many marathons (26 miles) and ultra-marathons (around 100 miles), raising money for charities. He was one of the only two Indians (the other from South Korea) among 2500 runners, selected by lottery from 15,000 applicants for a 105 mile race in the Alps this summer. The race began at Chamoix in France, passed through Italy and Switzerland around Mont Blanc and ended again at Chamoix. It involved running up as high as 10,000 metres, including at night, that led many runners hit 'the tunnel of darkness' returning to the starting point, aptly named 'dead buses'.

His family had accompanied him to cheer and provide support and often were the source of inspiration. He finished the run, as planned, demonstrating true grit and resoluteness.

Speaking about his new posting, Pise told Asian Voice, “Tunisia is the largest phosphate exporter to India. My role will involve developing a closer relationship with this important country and establish better ties. I am looking forward to my new role.”

Radhika who is now used to a change of home in every three years, said, “I don't mind going from one country to the other. But so far London has been my most favourite. I have made many friends here, who have grown very close to me, and I will miss them when I leave.”

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