Child genius and young Mensa member, Kashmea Wahi with an IQ of 162, that is more than Einstein and Stephen Hawking, is trying to find answer to problems closer to home instead of trying to solve the mysteries of the universe.
Following the death of a close family friend, 9 year old Nainika Tikoo, due to an allergic reaction, Kashmea decided to put her coding skills and intelligence to good use to try to solve a massive problem. Kashmea with encouragement from her family and friends especially mother Pooja, has designed, researched and launched the app SpeciAll which helps people especially children with allergies and also wheelchair users to find accessible eating-out options.
A 30 minute film documenting the journey of the creation of this app SpeciAll has been released on CBBC under a very suitable title ‘girl genius’ (
Not only it’s an act of genius, but also that of vision, kindness, compassion and of great fortitude to try and help others by making life easier for people with special needs, people with various forms of allergies or disabilities and who feel handicapped when they don’t know where to go out to or what to eat when out, due to pre-existing health conditions. A most common heard of allergy is nut, and presence of it in the close vicinity of where you are sitting may be lethal enough to kill you, if you are allergic.
This non-profit app is dedicated to helping make the lives of allergy suffers and wheelchair users much easier. SpeciAll helps you find places nearby tailored to your specific needs. After you filter in where you would like to visit and the facilities you need available e.g. A café that has dairy free food or a leisure centre which has a ramp on entry, the app immediately provides you with results of venues which cater for your requirements.
13 year old Kashmea told Asian Voice, “I am so glad to see such a great initial reactions to SpeciAll and hope the app continues to improve, as it develops and helps as many people as it can"The app and website has several sections including spa, places to eat cinema etc. The search can also be based on postcode or map based.
In a social media post, team SpeciAll wrote: “How you can help? As we have just started the app and it is still under development please give us any feedback if you or a family or friend have an allergy or use a wheel chair on how this app has helped or how it could be made better by dropping us an email at [email protected] or messaging us on any of our social media accounts.
“Is your business registered on SpeciAll? If you or someone you know are a business of any kind e.g. Restaurant, Club, Spa and would like to be listed on the app SpeciAll for free, drop us an email at [email protected] or message us on any of our social media accounts.”
You can spread the word and download SpeciaAll on the App Store or Google Play:App Store: