Hundreds of Indian expatriates have participated in car rallies organised by Overseas Friends of BJP across different cities in the U.K. in support of India and Prime Minister Modi. People in Birmingham, Edinburgh, London, Manchester, Milton Keynes and Newcastle have rallied through town centres and iconic places irrespective of the rain and wind, to show their appreciation to Modi's leadership and India's progress under his captaincy. This is probably the first of its kind initiative taken to express solidarity and support by members of Indian background living here.
Racing champion and Euro NASCAR winner Advait Deodhar has flagged off the rally at SKLP in London where the rally started and culminated. High energy Maharashtrian Lezhim performance at the beginning of the rally added colour. In Edinburgh, the rally started with a Vedic prayer. In London, Bob Blackman MP and Professor Sunil Poshakwale gave the closing remarks in which they highlighted the remarkable development India has achieved in recent years, climbing up the digitalisation, infra structure and economic progress chart. The diaspora was urged to actively engage in tapping electorate within known circles back home in India in order to keep the developmental momentum going.
Further to this, a Town Hall event in London to engage students and academia, and an informative event "Dance and Development" underscoring the empowerment of tribal communities are on cards in April that would highlight the ground realities based on evidences.