Cameron supports 'tiger mums'

Tuesday 12th January 2016 06:02 EST

In quest to tackle child poverty, Prime Minister David Cameron stated that he is in favour of adopting a disciplinarian approach to parenting, as well as appreciative of “tiger mums”.

Cameron has insisted that “children thrive on high expectations”. He also chastised schools who has the approach of “:all must have prizes”.

His parenting comments is very likely to draw controversy, however, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of hard work. He said, “It is, in fact, what the tiger mothers' battle hymn is all about: work, try hard, believe you can succeed, get up and try again. It is... the precise opposite of the 'all must have prizes' culture which permeated our schools under the last government and for so long. Put simply, children thrive on high expectations. It's how they grow in school and beyond. For too long this has been the preserve of the most elite schools. As we reform education, we'll make sure that all kids are exposed to the very best that schools do.”

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