Baroness Flather accused of "bigotry" over views on cousin marriages

Friday 10th July 2015 06:31 EDT

Baroness Flather has been accused of bigotry after she allegedly stated that marriages between relatives, specifically between first cousins in Pakistani communities were leading to “absolutely appalling” disabilities among children.

The Baroness suggested that couples intending to marry to take a DNA test to ensure that they are not cousins. She said, “There are a lot of first-cousin marriages in certain communities, particularly among Pakistanis who come from the Pakistani Kashmir area., We know so much about DNA now, but there is so much disability among the children, which is absolutely appalling. You go to any such family and there will be four or five children, at least one or two of whom will have some disability. That is absolutely unacceptable, and if we cannot do anything about it, is it fair to the children?”

Baroness Flather does not think it is fair on the children who become disabled due to cousin marriages. “Never mind the parents – it is not fair to the children that they should be allowed to become disabled because of a social practice. It is a social practice which does not belong in today’s age, when we know so much about DNA. There should at least be some rule which says that you must have a DNA examination before your marriage can be registered.”

To these comments, the Muslim Council of Britain said that the Baroness had “a bee in her bonnet about British Muslims generally and those of Asian heritage in particular.”

The Muslim Council of Britain further stated, “Her consistent bigotry has unfortunately forfeited the right to be taken seriously.”

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