10 Downing Street celebrates Diwali at the Durbar Court in FCO

Wednesday 21st November 2018 12:45 EST

Among the Brexit chaos and party backlashes, the 10 Downing Street had to move its Diwali and Bandi chhor divas celebration to Durbar Court in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It was decorated with orange and pink marigolds, rangolis and candles, while Mrs May was represented by her husband Philip May, in true Asian style.

People from the Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist community gathered in the court, along with representatives from the Armed Forces as well as business leaders. People from the BAPS Swaminarayan Temple distributed sweets (peda) to attendees with a smiling face and 'happy diwali' message.

The 'Point of Light' award was presented to Kirit Modi, Vice-President, NKF and President, NBTA, who attended with wife Meena, for raising awareness on organ donation in BAME communities. The award, which is given to a very important individuals by the government, was presented by Mr May on behalf of the Prime Minister.

Community doyen and business tycoon Vinu Bhattesa garlanded Rt Hon James Brokenshire, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. The event was compered by Krushali Kataria, a volunteer from the BAPS Swaminarayan temple in Neasden. His holiness Swami Radhanath from Iskcon temple in Watford did a short prayer to conclude the evening.

Speaking at the event, Mr Brokenshire said, “These festivities create a positive impact, that I really admire. It spreads the joyfyul spirit of generosity. People come together in Leicester, Birmingham, Manchester, Coventry as well as London. The message of Diwali is universal and resonates with all of us- triumph of light after darkness, truth over falsehood, good over evil, knowledge over darkness...

“Today we have many people who have immensely contribured to Britain. Last weekend we paid huge tribute to WW1 soldiers, including the Indian soldiers. Over 60,000 Indian soldiers never returned home. At the national Remembrance service this year at the Cenotaph, we expanded representation to Jains and Zorastrians, besides Hindus and Sikhs.”

Mr May apologised for his wife's absence and paid tribute to the community by saying, “We have received a huge amount of friendship and warmth from the Indian community. Thank you for it.”

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