Trump visits Black church, vows jobs

Wednesday 07th September 2016 07:20 EDT

DETROIT: Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump gave an uncharacteristically gentle speech to a black congregation on Sunday, promising African Americans jobs, and prosperity. Speaking to his audience at the Good Faith Ministries International Church, Trump said that he came to listen.

"Nothing is more sad than when we sideline young Black men with unfulfilled potential, tremendous potential. Our whole country loses out without the energy of these folks. We're one nation, and when anyone hurts, we all hurt together," he said. The speech was received with timely specks of applause. The New York billionaire was invited by the Church pastor Bishop Wayne Jackson. The vote bank is of vital importance to Trump, as African Americans account for 12 per cent of the total US electorate, and the presidential nominee hasn't done enough to woo them, as much as he has done to send them away.

Leaving nothing to chance, Trump headed on to a spontaneous single-day trip to neighbouring country Mexico. The visit did not disappoint as it unravelled as dramatically as expected. The Republican made a cryptic announcement on social media, saying, "I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow."

The announcement soon attracted jokes, jibes, and several slurs. Trump's relationship with the community is marked by his constant insults and threatening targeting them. One can only dare to forget Trump's idea of building a wall on the American-Mexican border to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, besides deporting millions of them who are already in the US. He even went ahead and threatened to make Mexico pay for the wall, and has often referred to those people as "rapists, criminals, and rug-dealers".

His visit was protested against, with former president Vicente Fox stating he is not welcome. "We don't like him. We don't want him. We reject his visit," Fox said. Trump instantly retorted and reminded Fox that he had also visited him after apologising for using the "f-word" several weeks ago. The answer comes in reference to Fox saying, "I am not going to pay for the fucking wall! He should pay for it. He's got the money," earlier this year. Hashtag #TrumpsMexicoTripSayings was soon trending on the internet, with rival Democrat Hillary Clinton taking a few shots.

Analysts believe that Trump risks angering and alienating his white nativist constituency. Polls suggest nearly 80 per cent of Hispanic voters are currently against him.

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