Kamala Harris leading Trump in 3 key states

Wednesday 14th August 2024 07:27 EDT

Washington: Several polls in recent days show Kamala Harris galloping ahead in both nationwide and in battleground and swing states, erasing the lead Donald Trump had over Joe Biden. While some of it is attributed to the momentum Harris is riding following the Democratic Party jettisoning Biden from the ticket and the selection of a “relatable” running mate in Tim Walz, the latest surveys also indicate she is gaining because of Trump’s self-destructive campaign replete with negativity and sexism, including reportedly calling his opponent a “b**ch”.
The Trump campaign for its part sees the polls as a “liberal hoax” aimed at demoralising its base, with the former president himself claiming rather fantastically that 75% of the country is behind him. In speech after speech Trump insists that he is ahead in all the polls, accusing “fake news” of slanting coverage to denigrate him. The only poll currently showing him ahead is a CNBC/All-America Economic Survey that has Harris 2 points behind 48-46, and within the margin of error.
Trump’s own favoured Fox News was forced to acknowledge this week that the race is close in the seven swing states that will determine the outcome of the election. Although an Ipsos poll it cited showed Harris leading 42-40, it also clung on to the margin of error to argue the two candidates are in a dead heat.
But a New York Times-Siena poll brought more bad news for Trump, showing Harris significantly ahead (50-46) in three crucial battleground states - Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Although the lead is still within the margin of error of plus or minus 4.2% to 4.8%, it appears to be a dramatic turnaround from only two weeks ago when Trump led Biden in these states.
“The polls offer an early snapshot of a race that was transformed in little more than two weeks. The whirlwind of political change seized the nation’s attention and reinvigorated some voters who were approaching the rematch between Biden and Trump with a deep sense of dread,” the paper said in its explanation of the turnaround.
The polls show Harris is in a stronger position than Biden was in May with most demographic groups, including white voters without a college degree, a Trump-leaning constituency. Respondents also put Harris ahead of Trump when asked who has the temperament to be an effective president (54-45), honesty (52-41), and intelligence (65-56), although Trump was ahead 60-53 when they were asked who has a clear vision for the US.

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