Chicago: Two people, a Telugu businessman-turned-film producer and his wife, were arrested in Chicago on charges of running a sex racket by exploiting upcoming actresses. According to reports, though 34-year-old Modugumudi Kishan and his wife Chandra were arrested in the last week of April, the case came to light last week when local media reported that the federal police had filed a 42-page charge sheet in a district court in Chicago.
The couple reportedly lure actresses from the Telugu film industry to the US and advertising them for sex at Indian conferences and cultural events across the country. The couple allegedly charged clients up to $3,000 per sexual encounter.
Kishan rose to become a top producer in Tollywood and has co-produced several hit films, allegedly threatened one of the actresses and her family if she told law enforcement agencies about what she did in the US. According to another report, the law enforcement agencies raided the couples residence in Chicago and recovered 70 condoms, a fraudulent US lawful permanent resident card and security card in the name of Kishan.
Federal agents also discovered ledgers that Kishan’s wife allegedly kept of the sexual acts performed by each girl. The police discovered text messages from Chandra’s phone in which she was haggling with clients over which girls were available and their prices. The federal police had filed a case a few months ago and the couple was on the run, before being arrested in late April.