Chairman of Sarova Hotels Mohinder Singh Vohra along with his wife, sister and daughter-in-law, died in a road accident on Sunday. According to police, the accident occurred in the Kiungwani area of the Nairobi-Mombasa highway. According to the report, Saveer Vohra, who was driving the vehicle, lost control and hit a culvert before landing on the right side of the road. Mohinder Singh and Reena Vohra died on the spot while Atu Vohra and Swaran Kaur sustained serious head injuries. They were flown to a Nairobi hospital where both succumbed to injuries.
The driver, who sustained minor injuries to both his legs was rushed to Sultan Hamud level five hospital. The family was travelling back to Nairobi from a religious ceremony that took place at Makindu Sikh Temple. The bodies of the deceased were moved to Machakos level five hospital morgue awaiting autopsy while the car was towed to the Salama Police Station for inspection. This is the second incident in the family. Last year, Jaideep Vohra, who was the managing director of the hotel, also died in a road accident in the same highway.
The Late Jadeep Vohra addressing the media before the 2017 East African Safari Classic Rally
The car accident that claimed the life of the MD was as a result of him following the cars in the East African Safari Classic Rally.
Side view of the wreckage of the Vehicle that killed Sarova Hotels Chairman