UNITED NATIONS: In a decision deferred to next year, India will not be given a permanent seat this year on the United Nations Security Council. In a joint statement with Brazil, Japan and Germany, India said, "It is unfortunate that the 70th anniversary of the United Nations was not able to build up momentum with a view to reaching an agreement on this important item of the agenda of the General Assembly."
The United Nations has 193 member countries who form the General Assembly. A meeting of their representatives ended without a decision on reconfiguring the Security Council that holds 15 members who decide who to maintain international peace and security. India failed to make entry to the Nuclear Suppliers Group, a block of 48 countries that control the trade in nuclear technology and material.
India looks forward to a permanent place on the Security Council to reflect its importance as a trillion dollar economy and a major South Asian power. After more than 20 years of stalling, moves to reform the council to reflect a more global balance of power gained momentum last year when a negotiating text was adopted by the General Assembly, overcoming strong opposition from a small group of countries including Pakistan and Italy.
The adoption of the text was a breakthrough as meaningful negotiations could not be held without such a document. Most UN members support increasing the total number of council members from 15 to the mid-20s and for making its working more transparent and involving non-member countries in its activities.