The first Ministerial-level visit by India to China after the 73-day Doklam standoff, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will walk into the dragon pit in late April. Speaking at the Ammo 2018, first International Conference on Military Ammunition, she had confirmed her trip. It will definitely be the highest level talks to have occurred after the border standoff at Doklam. Recently, India has seemingly considered China during its actions. Earlier this month, it was reported that the Centre had sent out a note to “senior leaders” and “government functionaries” at the centre to stay away from events that mark the 60 years of exile of Tibetans and their leader His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
The action was an unusual departure in the Tibetan policy by India and has occurred due to the sensitive situation between India and China. Sitharaman's move only boosts India's attempt to stabilise its relationship with China. Abhijnan Rej, Fellow, Strategic Studies Programme at ORF said even though the burden of overarching areas of contention bothers both the nations, there is also enough room for dialogue. “The continued disagreement on issues of NSG, CPEC, Massod Azar, and with the standoff at Doklam, things between India and China have been strained for some time now. India has now come to understand that the way forward is through looking at areas of convergence,” he said. Rej added, “Defence Minister's expected visit to China might bring out several confidence-building measures. Joint military exercises and diplomatic talks on the connectivity of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar corridor could be another area of discussion.”
Sitharaman's visit comes at a time where dealing between the nations needs to be sensitive and careful. Rej said that apart from other diplomatic talks, there would definitely be background talks on the border dispute, as it continues to be the sore sticking point for both the nations.