A majority government came into power in 2014, after three decades. The Narendra Modi-led government took it up to themselves to change the face of the country. The last four years will be remembered for Modi's frequent foreign visits. After assuming office in May, he began his overseas stint with Bhutan in June. Fodder for internet trolls and memes, it is but a fact, that Modi's foreign representation of the country has changed the path India walked until now.
Analysts believe that Modi's foreign policies have made India's presence felt as an emerging power in the international system. This includes the slew of state leaders who have begun to frequent India as a result of Modi's initiation. The Prime Minister has managed to not only renew relations with long lost countries, but also build fresh ones. In the last four years, the leader has surprised many with his bold and effective moves, all of which have been far from subtle. Modi was the first leader to call counterparts from ALL of the SAARC countries to participate in his oath-taking ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhawan. This was his way of establishing India's “Neighbourhood First” policy. It was him who has been vocal of stating the importance of cooperating and having a cordial relationship with all his neighbours, including Pakistan.
With almost two months into 2018, India has hosted not one, but three foreign heads, with much pomp. Modi was the epitome of Gujarati hospitality as each one returned with smiling faces.
Israel-India ties strengthen
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, only the second Israeli leader to visit India after Ariel Sharon in 2003, was received by Narendra Modi at Palam airport in January this year, as the latter chose to break protocol and welcome his “dear friend” with a warm embrace. The warmth was only reciprocated by Netanyahu, who had, before leaving for India, said, “Indian Prime Minister Modi is a close friend of Israel and of mine and I appreciate the fact that he will accompany me on extensive parts of my visit. We are strengthening ties between Israel and this important global power.”
Modi had made history last July, by becoming the first Indian PM to visit Israel. He was the most gracious host and accompanied Netanyahu for most part of his tour, taking him to Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Agra. Israel is to invest $68.6 million in areas like tourism, technology, agriculture, and innovation over a period of four years. Not to forget, it is one of India’s biggest weapons suppliers, exporting an average of $1 billion of military equipment each year. During the visit, India and Israel signed nine agreements across several sectors to boost bilateral trade and cooperation.