Italian police free 33 Indian farm labourers from ‘slavery’

Wednesday 17th July 2024 07:16 EDT

Rome: Italian police said they had freed 33 Indian farm labourers from slave-like working conditions in the northern Verona province and seized almost $545,300 from their two alleged abusers. Labour exploitation is in the spotlight in Italy following an accident in June in which an Indian fruit picker died after his arm was severed by machinery.
In the latest case, police said the alleged gang-masters, also from India, brought fellow nationals to Italy on seasonal work permits, asking them to pay 17,000 euros ($18,564) each and promising them a better future.]

The migrants were given farm jobs, working seven days a week and 10-12 hours a day for just 4 euros per hour, which was entirely docked from them until they settled all their debts, police said, describing the migrants’ treatment as “slavery”.
Some were asked to continue working for free to pay an additional 13,000 euros for a permanent work permit “which, in reality, would have never been given to them,” the police statement said.
The alleged abusers were charged with crimes connected to slavery and labour exploitation, while the victims will be offered protection, work opportunities and legal residency papers, the police said.

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