Half-British gunman singles out Christian in Oregon massacre

Wednesday 07th October 2015 05:56 EDT

Oregon (United States): It always takes America a young, armed gunman on a shooting spree, killing dozens of innocent children, to realise just how flawed their gun laws really are, which is followed by a pattern that has now become so painfully routine-like, it seems to have made people numb. The recent incident of a half-British gunning down 9 people at an Oregon community college has once again brought United States together.

It has been reported that the 26 year old gunman Chris Harper-Mercer screamed “Good, you'll see God in a second,” as he forced students to stand up and state their religion at gunpoint. Christians were shot in the head while those who said they followed another religion took bullets to their knees. Mercer, who wrote in several blogs that he idolised the IRA and Nazis, walked into Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon wearing body armour and carried three pistols, a rifle and five extra magazines to carry out the massacre. He served in the US Army for just one month from November 2008 before he was discharged for “failure to meet minimum administrative standards.” FBI agents said he owned a total of 13 weapons, including 7 at the home he shared with his mother.

Tacy Boylen, whose daughter was among the 9 injured, told reporters, “'Are you a Christian?' he would ask them. 'And if you're a Christian, stand up.' And they would stand up and he said 'Good, because you're a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.' And then he shot and killed them.”

A very disappointed looking POTUS Obama addressed the media with a frustration so evident, condemning the incident and urging the Congress to rule for stricter gun laws. “There’s been another mass shooting in America- this time, in a community college in Oregon.” He said. “The United States of America is the one advanced nation on Earth in which we do not have sufficient common-sense gun-safety laws - even in the face of repeated mass killings.” The President stated, “There is a gun for roughly every man, woman, and child in America. So how can you, with a straight face, make the argument that more guns will make us safer?”

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