CHENNAI: Additional Chief Secretary Girija Vaidyanathan was appointed new chief secretary of Tamil Nadu, replacing P Rama Mohana Rao, a day after income tax officials raided his house, office, and other premises in connection with his alleged link with sand mining baron J Shekhar Reddy.
A 1981 batch IAS officer, Girija will hold full additional charge of the post of the vigilance commissioner and the commissioner of administrative reforms held by Rao. Chennai-born Girija is the fourth women chief secretary of Tamil Nadu, after Lakshmi Pranesh, S Malathi, and Sheela Balakrishnan. She holds considerable experience in the finance department in both, DMK and AIADMK governments.
Income Tax investigation wing officials raided Rao's residence and his office at the secretariat, over allegations of corruption. They also simultaneously, conducted raids on the premises belonging to his son, relatives, and associates in Chennai, Bangalore, and Chittoor. Officials said that the raids began at the former chief secretary's house in Anna Nagar, where more than 20 officials from the Income Tax investigation wings conducted the search. A total of 13 premises were raided the same day, including his office.
The investigations were being conducted in connection with his alleged links with sand mining baron J Shekhar Reddy, and others. Recent raids were conducted on the premises of Reddy and his brother Srinivasasalu in Chennai and Vellore. 36 Crore in Old and new currency notes worth £13.6 million and gold worth £17.7 million were seized from the duo. The CBI and the Enforcement Directorate registered cases against Reddy and others for alleged money laundering.