Pattiseema Project gets 200 crore

Wednesday 05th August 2015 06:50 EDT

Hyderabad: The state government has released additional funds of Rs 200 crore to complete the pending Pattiseema lift irrigation project on time. In a statement, finance minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu said an input subsidy of Rs 25.46 crore was released to compensate for the extraordinary weather conditions in Srikakulam after the Hudhud cyclone, and loss for more than 50 per cent of paddy crop in 16,972 hectares in 13 districts due to pests. The amount would credited directly into the farmers' accounts, who will be notified later. He also said the proposals for setting up a cyber police station to control the growing cyber crimes in the state particularly in Visakhapatnam were cleared.

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