Poverty dipped to 8.5% from 21% in 2011-12: NCAER paper

Wednesday 10th July 2024 07:48 EDT

A new survey has estimated poverty to have declined to 8.5% from 21% in 2011-12 and pointed out that chronic poverty has come down but there is a significant proportion of people who can slip back into poverty due to “accident of life”.
Based on the initial findings of the just-concluded India Human Development Survey, it has estimated headcount ratios of poverty using inflation-adjusted poverty line by the Tendulkar Committee, which is used by govt to formulate and implement its schemes. This is lower than the World Bank’s $2.15 international poverty line using the 2017 purchasing power parity.
A paper by economists led by Sonalde Desai of think tank NCAER, estimated a sharper fall in headcount poverty ratios in rural areas - from 24.8% in 2011-12 to 8.6% now. In urban areas it decreased from 13.4% to 8.4%.
The estimates are higher than SBI Research, which used the NSSO’s Household Consumption Expenditure Survey to estimate rural poverty at 7.2% and urban at 4.6%. In March, former RBI governor C Rangarajan and economist S Mahendra Dev have estimated India’s poverty rate to have declined to 10.8% in 2022-23, compared to 2011-12, based on HCES. Niti Aayog CEO B V R Subhramanyam had recently indicated that the poverty level could be less than 5% based on preliminary estimates on the household consumption expenditure data released by the statistics office.
Desai’s paper estimated that there was a significant increase in food subsidy through the public distribution system and other benefits through multiple schemes run by the Centre as well as the states.
It, however, suggested that the approach to social protection must pay greater attention to circumstances of life, such as illness, marriage and natural disasters, which push people into poverty rather than circumstances of birth associated with social identity or region of birth.
Using IHDS data for 2011-12 and 2022-24, the paper estimated that out of 8.5% poor, 3.2% were poor by birth, while 5.3% became poor due to “accident of life”. “Historically, India’s approach to social safety nets has involved identifying the poor and providing them with priority access to various social protection programmes that include both in-kind and cash assistance - however, the nature of poverty changes with economic growth,” says the paper presented at India Policy Forum, adding that identifying the poor is often a challenge.
The paper said economic growth and poverty decline create a dynamic climate that requires nimble social protection programmes.

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