Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked his ministers to prepare a report card showing the key achievements of their departments, in a month. Amid speculation of a Cabinet reshuffle possibly after the presidential poll, a top government source said ministers would have to make a presentation comparing the achievements of their department during the three years of NDA rule with the last three years of UPA.
With less than two years to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the ruling party seems to be focusing on showcasing its mega success stories. The source said a new 'Team Modi' would be constituted solely to consolidate works and programmes taken up during the past three years.
A reshuffle is imminent as several vacancies have come up in the Cabinet due to the return of Manohar Parrikar as Goa CM and the sudden death of environment minister Anil Madhav Dave. As the ruling party begins its preparations for Lok Sabha polls, changes in the party organisation are also on the cards and a few ministers may have to relinquish their charge to work in the party. A political observer said this was going to be a big exercise as several posts of governors lying vacant for a long time also needed to be filled.