Prime Minister made his maiden visit as PM to Vadodara, Gujarat last week, to inaugurate the city's International Airport, the second green airport in the country after the one in Kochi. Addressing the crowd, after taking a tour of the integrated terminal building, Modi promised that his government was working on a mission mode to expand the aviation sector, and that India was on its way to become the third largest aviation market in the world.
"It is estimated that after five years, population of the size of the entire US will be travelling through our airports in a year. Imagine the kind of growth the sector will witness. India is soon expected to emerge as the third largest aviation market. This will boost economy and also increase employment," Modi said. He added, "After, you gave the responsibility as Prime Minister within a short period we had taken up two important works including one, to increase height of Sardar Sarovar Dam for which Gujarat was struggling since last five decades. Secondly, in June-July 2014, we started work for construction of the new airport and I am happy that after the new government took over, two airports have become part of the green movement."
Modi said that his government is the first to come out with an aviation policy to ensure growth of the sector. "Now, even the middle-class families have a fad to travel in planes. It is a matter of prestige now. Tier II and tier III cities have the same potential to grow and benefit from the growth of aviation sector. For country's tourism sector also, air connectivity plays a major role and air traffic gives multiple economic benefits," he said. The PM also talked about "Sanskarnagari" Vadodara, from where he had contested the Lok Sabha Polls in 2014. "Even today, our coaches, their speed is the same even as the world has changed. We need artificial technology and innovations and Vadodara will contribute in this in a big way through India's first railway university."