Virendra Sharma MP has launched a petition for proper recognition of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre of 1919 in India and demanding for a formal apology from the Prime Minister of UK, currently Theresa May. People from across the country have begun to sign, and the petition has gathered 537 signatures so far ( If it reaches the mark of 10,000, the government has to reply formally respond to the petition and at 100,000 consider for a debate at the Parliament.
Speaking about the petition, Sharma told Asian Voice, "I would urge as many people as possible to sign this petition. It is important that we show the strength of feeling about this issue. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre marked the beginning of the end of British rule in India and was truly shocking around the world. Too few today know about this shameful period of history and in this the centenary year of its persecution I believe it is right to draw attention to the massacre and teach children in all schools about it. Please add your support by signing the petition."
Sharma's petition reads:"Call for a British Government apology for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre of 1919. In 1919 Colonel Dyer ordered his men to fire, and maybe 1,000 peaceful protesters were left dead. At the time Winston Churchill proclaimed the massacre "monstrous" and the British Government condemned Dyer for his actions, but no apology has since been forthcoming. It is now time to apologise."
Earlier this year Sharma tabled a Parliamentary Early Day Motion on the issue to raise its profile in Parliament. Currently EDM 413 has the support of 19 Members of Parliament from all the major parties.