Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat on Tuesday submitted his resignation to Governor Baby Rani Maurya amid political drama in the state. Rawat reached the Raj Bhawan in Dehradun amid speculation that the BJP top leadership has asked him to step down, reportedly over "poor performance" and several BJP MLAs being "unhappy" with his style of functioning.
After submitting his resignation, Rawat told the media that he was thankful to the BJP for giving him the "golden opportunity" to serve the state for four years. "The BJP gave me the golden opportunity to serve as CM for four years. I was born in a small village. Only BJP gives so much respect and opportunity to someone who belongs to a simple family from a small village," Rawat said.
"It was a unanimous decision that now I should pass on the baton to someone else. I want to thanks the people of the state for giving me the chance to serve," he said. Rawat told the media that the BJP legislature party will meet on Wednesday at the party headquarters. All BJP MLAs will be present, he said. Commenting on the resignation, former CM and Congress leader Harish Rawat said that the day's political developments were evidence that the BJP will not be able to come back to power.