FATEHGARH SAHIB: Giani Gurmukh Singh, acting Jathedar of Takht Damdama Sahib, has been removed from the post with the charge now given to head granthi of Gurdwara Muktsar Sahib Harpreet Singh. The decision was taken by the SGPC executive in a six-hour-long meeting held in Fatehgarh Sahib. SGPC chief Kirpal Singh Badungar said Giani Singh had flouted Sikh 'maryada' and issued controversial statements, besides also failing to attend any of the meetings convened by other Takht heads. Sources said that five executive members initially opposed the removal, but eventually, after deliberations, three of them relented. Surjit Singh Kalabula, and Gurcharan Singh Grewal, however, held that all Takht heads be removed as the 'Sarbat Khalsa' had appointed parallel jathedars which had created a confusion.