Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh expressed disappointment that many residents were not adhering to face mask and social distancing norms, and cautioned all of them to stick to norms lest Punjab may go Maharasthra, Delhi and Gujarat way as far as spread of Covid-19 was concerned. Expressing disgust during his #AskCaptain initiative on Facebook Live, Amarinder said one day, 4,600 people were challaned for not wearing masks, and 160 for spitting in public and 20-25 for not observing social distancing. “Why don’t you follow the rules? We had to lift the curfew as we cannot keep people inside for so long. But be responsible. Wear masks and ensure social distancing. I am not saying this. The doctors are telling you to do that. Do not let Punjab go down the other states way. We have managed it well so far,” he said.