Senior lawyer HS Phoolka has asked Congress MLA Navjot Singh Sidhu to take action as justice has not been done in the 2015 sacrilege incidents. The government has come under fire after the Punjab and Haryana High Court has directed the state to reconstitute SIT without IPS officer Kunwar Vijay Partap Singh. On October 14, 2015, the police had opened fire on those protesting sacrilege, killing two persons. In a letter written to Sidhu, he appreciated him for his stand on righteousness, be it against his own party. The former AAP MLA reminded Sidhu that how both of them together defended Justice Ranjit Singh’s report in the assembly in August 2018 and requested the government to initiate action. Questioning the ‘accountability’ of the government, he said, “after two-and-a-half years, action from the government is still awaited.”