FRESNO (California): Shoes and bottles were aimed at former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh during a gathering in California. In video clips that went viral on social media, protesters were seen flinging themselves against his vehicle. It was reported that when Singh was about to leave the venue under tight security, Sikh separatists began to raise 'Khalistan Zindabad' slogans and threw shoes and bottles at him. They started raising slogans against him for his alleged clean chit to Congress leader Jagdish Tytler in the case of massacre of Sikhs in November 1984 in Delhi. Gurpatwant Singh Pannum, Attorney, Sikh for Justice said, “It's unfortunate that instead of answering questions regarding his statement about Tytler's role in 1984, Captain Amarinder took support of his henchmen and created an atmosphere of fear.”