BJP national vice-president Shivraj Singh Chouhan was sworn in for a fourth term as chief minister of Madhya Pradesh on Monday amid the Coronavirus outbreak. Chouhan took oath of office in a simple ceremony at Raj Bhawan. Governor Lalji Tandon administered the oath in the presence of select BJP leaders, MLAs and top bureaucrats. Acting chief minister Kamal Nath and former chief minister Uma Bharti were also present.
The fight against Coronavirus would be his top priority, he said, greeting everyone with a ‘pranam’ rather than his usual two-palmed handshake. “Coronavirus has hit our state as well. We will join hands to fight the outbreak and overcome the threat. You all have made janata curfew successful on the call given by Prime Minister. This is a big leap, which will help break the spread of Coronavirus,” CM Chouhan said after the ceremony.
Urging people to take care of elders, CM Chouhan said: “Be a responsible citizen and adhere to the instructions of the government to control the outbreak.”