The Uttar Pradesh government on Monday acceded to the Supreme Court's suggestion for appointment of a retired SC or HC judge for supervision of the probe by the state-appointed Special Investigation Team (SIT) into October 3 Lakhimpur Kheri incidents - mowing down of four farmers, lynching of three accused and murder of a journalist.
Senior advocate Harish Salve, appearing for UP, said the state government has no objection to the appointment of a retired judge. However, he told a bench headed by CJI N V Ramana that the court should not have inhibition in considering a judge from the Allahabad HC or any other HC or even the SC as the court would have no doubt about the allegiance of a HC or SC judge towards the impartiality of the probe.
The bench agreed with Salve and said it would take a day or two to consider the names of retired judges, consult them for consent and pass orders thereafter. However, the bench, which earlier had expressed dissatisfaction over the pace and purport of the SIT probe, made it clear to the state government that the composition of the SIT needed upgradation.
"At present the SIT is composed of sub-inspectors, inspectors and deputy superintendents of police from Lakhimpur Kheri. We want some senior officers to be drafted into the SIT so as to give a better edge to the investigations," the bench said.