CHANDIGARH: Former Akali Dal MP Varinder Singh Bajwa and Aam Aadmi Party leader Harvinder Pal Singh were among those who joined the Punjab unit of Congress. The new entrants were welcomed by state party chief Amarinder Singh, along with AICC General Secretary Asha Kumari, with the development being recognised as a sign of the complete loss of confidence by Akalis in the "corrupt" Badals and "disillusionment with the outsider" AAP. Stating that SAD was being run by mafias with no concern for the governance of Punjab, Bajwa said only Amarinder could lead the state out of the quagmire which it was pushed into by the ruling government. Harvinder Pal thanked Amarinder for welcoming him into the PPCC, alleging that AAP had proved to be a sham, with its leadership only concerned with furthering their vested interests.