Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann said that people in the state would no more have to stand in queues to get ration as it would be delivered at their doorstep.
In a video, Mann said while the rich sat in the comfort of their homes and ordered things, the poor had to wait in long queues to get ration. “Often they have to leave their day’s work to get the ration. Old women have to walk for kilometres to get it from ration depots,” he said.
Mann said the ration given to the poor is often of poor quality. “But the poor have no choice but to eat it. However, now the AAP is all set to change this. Good-quality ration will be packed in clean gunny bags and delivered at people’s doorstep,” he said.
He said people would have the choice to opt for the scheme. Those who lived near ration depots could get it from the depots as earlier. Those who opted for the doorstep delivery would have to tell the personnel concerned at what time they were available at their place and clean and good-quality ration would be delivered to them, he said.
Mann said the government had decided to make people’s lives easier as that is what governments are supposed to do. He said the scheme would be rolled out soon after working out the modalities.
The CM asked the people to report to the government in case they got shortchanged.