Ten months after Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) legislator Nazar Singh Manshahia from Mansa quit the party to join Congress and submitted his resignation in Assembly, Punjab Assembly Speaker Rana Kanwarpal Singh rejected the letter on grounds of “improper format”. Rana Singh said, “He had appeared before me recently after desisting from doing so for a long time. I told him that his resignation was not valid as it did not follow proper format and asked him to send it afresh. But he is not willing to do so. Hence, his resignation stands rejected.” Another AAP MLA, Amarjit Sandoa, who had also quit AAP to join Congress alongwith Manshahia ahead of Lok Sabha elections, had withdrawn his resignation a few days ago. The Speaker’s rejection of Manshahia’s resignation is being seen as a setback for the political ambitions of Chief Minister Amarinder Singh’s son Raninder Singh, an internationally acclaimed shooter.